I'm Officially 30!!!
After months of anxiety and excitement, today seems to be a normal day except when I got a wake-up call (literally a phone call) from my mother who told me at 5 plus in the morning that she's giving me a year to find someone to settle down. Or else, she'll find one for me. How duh can that be? After a minute of lecture about finding a life partner, she then wished me happy birthday. So typical of my mother. I thought with all her obsession with her handphone games and smses, she would be more open-minded and proud that her daughter is an accomplished as well as a financially independent woman. But after today, I beg to differ.
Writing about this gives me the creep. I can feel my heart beating rapidly. This is one of my worst nightmare. To be married off to a stranger. The other one is to lose all my teeth. Don't laugh. Both can cause my heart to palpitate to a nervous pitch.
My auntie just called five minutes ago and talked about the same issue. But she started off wishing me a happy birthday, then THE TOPIC. My hands are freezing now; women, when forced to a corner, can do horrendous things. I can imagine my mum and nine of my aunties, plotting to sell me off to whoever is the highest bidder. Adik and Adi, if you are reading me. Please help me. I'm really scared shit.
I've already thought about it. If they were to push THIS THING to my face, I'm going to move away. Period. I don't understand people's fascination with marriages. Life ain't complete if you're not married, they say. Humbug! The rate of divorce and problems arousing from marital woes already make my hair stands. Yeah, marriage makes you complete. The aftermath of marriage completes the cycle of making you bitter and broken.
Hey, I'm not against marriage. I'm against FORCING to be married. If I say I like pink, you can't force me to like black, right? It's just like marriage. Don't like means don't like. How can you spend the rest of your life just to satisfy other people's idea of a fulfilled life?
Can't believe I'm ranting on my birthday. Actually, I would like to thank people who are excited for my birthday. I'm excited too. My kids who made a special effort to celebrate with me yesterday. I felt so honoured. And my last year kids who came to wish me happy birthday. And my friends too. Two of them surprised me with the the Rocher bouquet (30 in all. She made herself!) and the Princess Hour man-cushion. They came to my house and passed the gifts to my mum. The roses were given by one of my kids. Gonna receive more presents today! I'm so excited! I love presents!
*twenty28eight is currently waiting for Zah to wake up so that they can go picnic together*
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