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Connections to My Life...
Shidah MonkeeWrench Naaz PinkMonkie MasterWong 7YearsLater Dedication4 '07

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

My Grievances

I've been a Potter for seven years and this was the first time I cried in front of my Goonies. Not that I was bullied or insulted; I was exasperated with them. I felt so helpless when the realization that my Potters are growing up to be irresponsible, overly-dependent and nonchalant adolecents slapped me hard across my face.

How difficult is it to check your subject code? And how difficult is it to keep your verification slip and hand in by Wednesday? Not that difficult, right? But no.... My Goonies actually forgot/ lost/misplaced/accused me of not giving them their verification slips. Their 'O' Level verification slips. I felt exhausted. I felt I have lost a battle which I could never have won in the first place.

After explaining to them (for the zillion times!!!) the impact of their actions ( I was crying by then.. Haiz!), I went to the toilet and wailed my heart out. It would have been hilarious if I were an observer because I was squatting in the middle of the toilet when the RT came in and got the shock of her life. To hide my embarrassment, I told her I was alright and quickly ran out of the toilet. Then I sat at LaineigeQueen's hideout and cried again. LainegeQueen was nice enough to comfort me. Then I went back to class, my face all blotchy and swollen. So the ugly..

But my class was slightly remorseful. Slightly. I think they didn't expect me to burst into tears so they actually tried to comfort me in their boorish way. Haiz.. kids will always be kids. But deep down, I know they are trying to make up for their flaws. I love them for what they are, but I'm frightened by their lackadaisical attitude. How are they going to face the harsh real word then?

I need a hug.

*twenty28eight is feeling much better now, if you're wondering whether she has a nervous breakdown*

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

My First Blog in 2007


That's the word of the year; compliments of PinkMonkie. I'm still groggy after being drugged by the cough syrup. Going to be away for two days because I'm carrying the VIRUS. As a Potter, it's funny how we have to contemplate whether we should be resting because our absence is imposing on others and if our Goonies will be deprived of a day's knowledge. You know, PinkMonkie. You would never know that you're VIRUSED until you visit the grand healer. My advice to you.. seek the grand healer's help before you carry the virus to the others too. Haahaa.. And you too, GBNo.1. Coughing as if your oesophagus is forcing its way out of your throat. Sometimes our pure intention is hazardous to our fellow Potters; you come to the institution thinking that our responsibility comes first but in actually fact, we are the ones who are spreading the VIRUS.

You must repeat this mantra..
I am NOT indispensable.. I am NOT indispensable.. I am NOT indispensable..

I've done a lot of thinking and reflection (Yeeks!!! Loathe that word!!!) since I stepped into 2007. Being 30 is not such a bad thing; as my ex-Goonie put it, it's just another number. I'm going to start ticking in the 30-35 box when I'm doing survey. So what? I'm pretty much single and available. So what? I'm going to look like my age soon. So what? I'm not justifying things but there are a lot of things that I've accomplished that I should be proud of myself. As Zah reiterated over and over again... 30 is now the new 20.
  1. We have our freedom; zooming in and out of Johor without our parents miffing over our escapade, hanging out until 6 plus in the morning and the only worry we have is the dark shadows under our eyes.
  2. We have the spending power; I've been watching two movies back to back without pondering if I have enough money at the end of the month. Eating @Fish&Co. to pamper ourselves. Hmm.. now to think about it, maybe these are the reasons I'm VIRUSED.
  3. We have our career. We are the fortunate people who still have their salaries at the end of the month and not having to fast to let ends meet.
  4. We have our OLD friends whom I've been hanging out for the past few weeks because we don't have a life (Haahaa...)? To my dearest ZAH, we've been friends for 17 freaking years. Take note of that! (Dush.. you think you're still 26, huh?)
  5. We have our Potter friends who are very supportive. Not in order of preference, I would like to thank LaneigeQueen, P.H.Y.S.I.C.S (a.k.a Onni), PinkMonkie, PurringFeline, MissBeautifulLegs, Woolworths, GBNo.1, GBNo.2, HondaBoy and Roarie for making me look forward to go to the Institution. And my other Potter friends too who have been taking care of me since I was 23.

By the way, I'm not dying of an illness. Yet. Just listing down my boon which actually outweighs my bane. I feel much better now.

*twenty28eight is now planning a big bash for her thirtieth birthday. any suggestions?*